Lets kick start sustainable Weight Loss
Express Retreat
Do you need a kick start to get your body, your fitness and your health on track?
Getting into the right mindset is the key to long last weight loss success. Understanding why you want to shed the weight that is unnecessary for you, understanding what obstacles may have been in your way in the past, letting go of old unhelpful habits. Not to mention experiencing how good it feels when you eat and move in a way that nourishes and nurtures your body.
The Body Retreat has been helping women answer these questions for over 10 years now on their residential Weight Loss Retreats and now for the first time we bring our experience and expertise to our Retreats@Home.
Lose weight safely and sustainably
Shed Pounds & Inches
in One Weekend
Delivered through a private Facebook Group. Join a small group of like minded women who just like you are ready to take that first step to achieving and maintaining the body, health and wellbeing they want and deserve.
This short Express Retreat@Home will not only give you the experience and confidence of how you can lose weight safely and sustainably but you will also shed pounds and inches over the weekend too. On average our Express Retreat @Home lost 4lbs and 2 inches by following our retreat programme.
Happy Retreaters
Don’t Just Take Our Word For It…
“Was really great. I enjoyed the food, and found it easier to stick to as we were all doing together. I was stuck in a rut and it has given me a jump start and re-started my motivation.”
“Great, really enjoyed the workouts! I haven’t been able to exercise for months so they were perfect for me and ten mins was long enough! Was delighted to see that I lost 4lbs and an inch and half over the weekend”
“I really enjoyed the @Home Retreat. It gave me the encouragement to stick to a plan.”
“I have enjoyed the Express@Home Retreat and am hoping to continue with your recipes I think for me it is a start of something positive. And highlights just how important preparation/planning is.”
“The meal plan was very easy to use, the menus simple to prepare – which was great as I am not the best cook.”
“I really enjoyed it. It was a great refocusing and restarting time and I liked the structure it gave to my day.”